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Deborah Bowers Will Writing


Anyone can write a will, but not everyone can write a tax efficient will. With Deborah Bowers Will Writing Services you are informed about how the inheritance tax provisions may affect your will writing decisions.

This is significant as such information may help you decide whether a gift should be given to a beneficiary free of inheritance tax or whether you should instruct that the beneficiary be responsible for the inheritance tax which may arise in relation to the gift.

Deborah Bowers Will Writing Services offer a professional service, provided by a STEP Certified, Will Writer, who is experienced in the field. Deborah Bowers is the author of How to write a Tax Efficient Will, readily available on Amazon: This book currently in its second edition. The first edition was a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. It is written in plain words, providing a clear understanding of all the technical terms used in Will Writing and sheds light on several inheritance tax scenarios.

The book covers for example what needs to be considered whilst single, married, single with children, married with children, divorced. In this second edition we explore not only the inheritance tax provisions, in relation to achieving a tax efficient will. We also cover Lasting Powers of Attorney. The book is available on Kindle, Paperback and hardcopy. Secure your copy today at:



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